Mill Drive Way

For the mill, there is no driver can not run, can not be achieved natural materials grinding operation, and not a single drive mode, a different driving mode has different characteristics, here is to analyze what Millissue-driven approach.

For the mill on the market now, there are two main driving a slow drive roll, one is fast roller driving mode, both advantages and disadvantages of different driving mode, if the apparatus main drive systemthe drive itself is relatively strong, then the load increases little effect on the cost of the transmission system, this time scheme can select the slow roll drive, while satisfying other requirements, if the main drive system of the mill's own transmission capability is relativelythe difference, selects the fast roller driving scheme is better, but the reverse impact during the transition can not be avoided.

mill drive way

When using a slow mill roller driving mode, the main transmission drive system no matter what form that larger transmission power is doubled by the fast roll drive scheme, but at startup, normal operation of blanking andduring normal operation, the main drive system are overdrive, no reverse impact, and if the driven roller mill with quick manner, then, the main drive system no matter what the form of the transmission, which transmission power is small, but the maintransmission presence reverse impact during the transition, during normal operation and during start cutting, the main drive system for the reduction gear, during normal operation, the main drive system for the overdrive.

These are for different mill drive mode: slow and fast-roller driving roller driving introduction, which is driving the primary analysis device selection In any case better way, and when the driving mode using different mill,its strengths and weaknesses analysis, in the actual production, the driving mode of choice for use of the device has a great influence, drive mode selection is not correct, the equipment is difficult to meet the requirements of mill production, and therefore according to the actual workcase, to select the drive mode mill.

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