

Limestone Crushing Machine

Time: 2018-09-14

The very first step should always be an analysis of the quarry, and especially the characteristics of the raw material. Of prime importance is the hardness of the material to be crushed.

The abrasiveness of the material has to be described by its Silica and free quartz content, as well as the abrasion index. Just as important is an expression of the stickiness. For this reason the moisture, the clay content and, in very difficult applications, the handling coefficient (shear test) has to be ascertained. Based on this data an overview of the selection criteria allows a pre-choice of the required crusher machine.

Primary crushing of limestone for the cement production requires high crushing ratios to reduce the material in a single step, down to the required grain size for the raw mills. It should always be the aim to have as few crushing steps as possible, in order to minimize the investment and maintenance costs and time. According to the above overview, one step crushing can be achieved by operating hammer crushers or impact crushers. These crusher types are fast running machines providing high kinetic energy, resulting in strong impact forces and high crushing ratios. The allowable maximum compressive strength of 150 Mpa is normally sufficient for most of the limestone applications.

We developed complete series of limestone crushing machine for sale with competitive price, including jaw crusher, impact crusher, cone crusher, mobile crusher, VSI crusher etc. Where cost-efficient size reduction of hard, abrasive materials is concerned, the crushers represent the highest technical and manufacturing knowledge.